Tag Archives: flash fiction

supplies: free writing week three

Over the years they had become more and more particular about the type of pens they would use. After plenty of trials and frustrations they had found just one particular brand and one particular color. Occasionally they thought they should mix it up, try something new, but nothing compared to their preferred brand. It had […]

1. caroline and 4. flies

Caroline arranged them so perfectly. She had attended school for it. It was a lost art in a way, a craft that people didn’t really think about these days. She had hoped to own a boutique at some point but for now she took shifts at the grocery store. She would never receive them herself, […]

at some point…

This morning I busted out the finishing touches on a short zine called “At Some Point” (and part of the series The Obsesser – #4). The text is a collection of fragments from my honeymoon road trip (one way, Chicago to LA) that took place this summer. I didn’t write about the trip back because […]