Tag Archives: 1990s

’90s Ladies of Inspiration

I‘ve included a few spreads from the most recent zine, ’90s Ladies of Inspiration: Television (The Obsesser #7). It’s a short quarter size zine with full color cover and end sheets and a three hole coptic  binding. This is a brief selection, I’d like to add more in the future. The characters included are Angela […]

Ideas for next project: 90’s Ladies – TV

For the next issue I’ll be going back to my idea of 90’s Ladies of Inspiration. I’ve been thinking about doing something like this for almost a year but now the timing seems right. I’ve always been an avid television viewer and it was influential to me as a teenager growing up in the 90’s. […]

DIY 90s Print Aesthetics

I’ve been thinking about 90s print esthetics a lot in the past few months. At the first meeting of the Milwaukee Zine Fest this year we decided on the loose theme of “the 90s.” We got really excited about doing a photo shoot and flyers that looked like that infamous Minor Threat album cover a […]